Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Introduction of Me

Hi! Welcome to the daily chaos of a Marine Corps life...
They say that loving a marine is hard to do... But honestly, loving is the easy part! Its the waiting, and having no real control over your life that gets tiresome...
I'm 24 and have been married to the love of my life for almost 4 years =) I've known my husband since 2002 and we started dating at the end of high school in 2006. 3 years later we tied the knot... quickly... since he was about to leave on his first deployment =(
Since then life has had its share of ups and downs, but our marriage was never challenged. We are an enlisted family which I think gives us a unique perspective since it usually the officers that get to have all the fun =P
After 4 years at our beloved Camp Pendleton and a tours to Iraq and Afghanistan, the Corps blessed us with a short 6 month school in Pensacola Florida (where husband graduated #1 in his class!) followed by order for 3 years in Wiesbaden Germany!
And this is where we begin =)
P.S. This pic was taken on the gondola in Rudesheim, Germany; our first adventure!


  1. This is really cool, Kelly! Really nice start, looking forward to your journey!!
    Love and Hugs

  2. Blogs are so much fun, I will start following you when I am back on my own computer!! But good start :)
